- अस्पताल संरचना
- अस्पतालका सेवाहरु
- विशेष सेवाहरु
- चिकित्सा उपकरणहरु
- वार्षिक प्रतिवेदन
- नर्सिङ विभाग
- फार्मेसी विभाग
- फोरेन्सिक विभाग
- फिजियोथेरापी विभाग
- मनोचिकित्सा विभाग
- दन्त चिकित्सा विभाग
- ENT विभाग
- रेडियोलोजी विभाग
- बाल रोग विभाग
- प्याथोलोजी विभाग
- छाला रोग विभाग
- अर्थोपेडिक विभाग
- Anesthesiology विभाग
- स्त्री रोग तथा प्रसूति विभाग
- शल्यक्रिया विभाग
- औषधी विभाग
- मेडिकल रेकर्ड विभाग
- वित्त
- Administration
- सामाजिक सेवा एकाई
- स्वास्थ्य बीमा
दन्त चिकित्सा विभाग
The dental department of Western Regional Hospital is responsible for providing essential oral health care services to its patients. This department is staffed with highly trained and experienced dental professionals, including Consultant Dental Surgeons, dentists, dental hygienists, and dental technicians. These professionals provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic, restorative, and therapeutic care for their patients. The department provides preventive care, such as regular cleanings and fluoride treatments, as well as periodontal treatments for gum disease. They also diagnose and treat tooth decay and gum disease, as well as perform extractions, fillings, and root canals. The dental department is also responsible for providing patient education on proper oral hygiene and lifestyle habits to maintain a healthy mouth. Furthermore, they educate patients on the risks and benefits of different procedures and treatments, so that they can make informed decisions.
Consultant Dental Surgeon
Consultant Prosthodontist
Consultant Dental Surgeon
Consultant Dental Surgeon